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July 8, 2020

Do Hospital Discharge Planners Still Control Your Census?

It’s not what you know, it’s who you know. We all know how this was true in the past. If you had a good relationship with a hospital discharge planner, you were more likely to get the patient.

Nowadays, most hospitals won’t let you in unless you’re actually ‘screening’ a particular patient. They are more focused on results. Ensure a good clinical outcome and a great patient experience and they will send you more patients.

So the question resurfaces, do hospital discharge planners still hold the keys to a nursing home’s successful census development?

In this episode, we meet the founder and CEO of Athene Telehealth, Freida Srisuk. 

Freida is best equipped to address nursing home marketing because of her extensive background as a clinical liaison on the nursing home side and managing a hospitalist group on the hospital side. 

So here’s the short version of Freida’s response:  the short answer is yes, case managers are an important factor and these things are important as well.

  • do what’s best for the patient
  • have outstanding clinical outcomes
  • educate your clinical team on the role census plays in the operations of the facility
  • and then your hospital relationships will help you build an even stronger census. 

Learn More About Freida and Athene Telehealth



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